This happened

Decompression Chamber
1 min readJun 23, 2021

I was trying to type “Forest Hill Drive”, the title of that J Cole album, into YouTube’s search bar, and I have dark mode on, and my external keyboard is not backlit, so I can’t see anything on it.

As both my hands went towards the keyboard, in that split second, I remember my brain going “OK, you gotta hit the F key with your left index finger, but fuck, where even is F? No, I think I’m going a bit too far to the left.”

And as I’m thinking this, the sensation of touching the keyboard registers in my brain, one, maybe two fingers, but I look at the screen, and I see


I have no way of proving this, other than maybe describing it in a manner I did above, like explaining what went through my mind while it was happening.

I’m a big “coincidence guy”, meaning I don’t believe in a god, so I’m not trying to give special meaning to things like this. It was big ass, huge coincidence that in one motion, in what felt like just one touch, I, totally randomly and accidentally hit the keyboard with 3 fingers, in a particular order, and it happened to be at a point of the keyboard where that particular order will spell out that very word that is often associated with the thing that’s the theme of this blog. Depression — sad.

So, yeah, koinkidink, but a very funny/interesting one, at least to me it is.



Decompression Chamber

This is my De(com)pression Chamber, a vehicle I use to (com)municate my thoughts to decompress as I, hopefully, emerge from the depths of depression.